Retailers Efforts:

Protecting your products and merchandise from your retail shop is very important. No matter what is the product is, whether it can be anything like liquor, accessories, or clothing. Many people think that only the visible tags would be helpful but now EAS, which means electronic article surveillance tags also convenient and useful to the staff who is working in the shops. It alerts the people from the potential thefts. Many retailers are using this eas label, and according to the research, it is known that almost 73% of retailers are fond of this tag. To prevent things from theft EAS security tags are perfect and also very useful.

EAS tags system has a communication with the help of the antenna which is housed from the entrance of the shop to the store. The proximity of the product tag falls into the antenna then it would produce alarm sounds, and also it helps to alert the staff from the theft. Other types of cards are called as benefit denial tags. This would alarm only when the thief tries to break the label and the most used and common form of the ticket is called ink dye tags. This produces a permanent ink when anyone tamper the card, and it makes the stolen product useless. There are so many varieties of labels, and this would help you to identify the thief or alert you from the theft.

Be Alert:

As there are many varieties, these EAS Tags would come into different sizes and shapes. It is you who have to prefer the best one which is suitable for your products. For clothing manufacturers, three tags are beneficial. One is the tag, the other one is called the pin, which is fixed into the cloth, and the other one is the mechanism of locking which is to keep the pin safe into a place. Into this locking mechanism, there are two forms one is magnetic, and the other one is mechanical. For the high fashioned things like shoes jewels or handbags, there are vast options, and you can select one which you wish to use.

Many thieves try to target only on the liquor bottles, and so the retailers concentrate more on the liquor section. They would steal these bottles and would sell at outside, and the retailer would safeguard it by using the visual deterrent which works more than EAS tag security. You may have noted that even for the sunglasses, the retailers use these EAS tag and it is secondly targeted one by the thieves. Retailers use a card that is designed especially for it. Use these EAS tags and keep your products safe.

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